Short Changes in Outlook Questionnaire (CiOQ)

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Short Changes in Outlook Questionnaire (CiOQ)

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The Changes in Outlook Questionnaire (CiOQ) is a 26-item self-report instrument. It is the first psychometric instrument concerned with positi... More


Causes :

Culture, Health

Sub Causes :

mental health

Identity Ratio Sets :

Age , Age , Age , Age , Gender (3 options), Gender (3 options), Gender (3 options)

Sub Ratios :

Female, Under 18, 18 - 25, Male, 25 - 40, Other, 40+

Similar Surveys

Q1. I don’t look forward to the future anymore. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q2. My life has no meaning anymore. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q3. I don’t take life for granted anymore (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q4. I value my relationships much more now. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q5. I’m a more understanding and tolerant person now. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q6. I no longer take people or things for granted. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q7. I have very little trust in other people now. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q8. I feel very much as if I’m in limbo. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q9. I have very little trust in myself now. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q10. I value other people more now. (single choice)


1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Agree a little 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree

Q11. Date the activity actually happened
