Covid-19 Wellbeing
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Eido Research and Makerble want to help faith groups and charities serve their beneficiaries and congregations by providing accurate data about what is going on during the Covid-19 crisis. Please help us in our efforts and tell us your experiences.   Eido Research and Makerble will be storing this information for the purposes stated above. All of the data you submit will also be shared with the person who sent you this link. Some of the data you submit may be aggregated and used in reports by Eido Research or Makerble in order to highlight the situation the faith based charity sector is facing. If such aggregation would still leave you identifiable, we’ll get in touch first to double-check with you.  This data will be processed by Eido Research (or its partners) in accordance with these purposes.

Q1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement: I have people in my life that I can count on (single choice)


Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Mixed Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree

Q2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement: I am able to find hope in God (single choice)


Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Mixed Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree

Q3. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement: I am fully trusting in God (single choice)


Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Mixed Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree

Q4. To what extent are you feeling isolated (single choice)


Not at all Slightly Somewhat Moderately Extremely

Q5. To what extent are you feeling depressed or anxious (single choice)


Not at all Slightly Somewhat Moderately Extremely

Q6. To what extent are you feeling stressed (single choice)


Not at all Slightly Somewhat Moderately Extremely

Q7. During this time, what are you finding to be the biggest challenge? (Text)

Q8. To what extent are you feeling disconnected from God (single choice)


Not at all Slightly Somewhat Moderately Extremely

Q9. During this time, what behaviours are helping you cope and flourish? (Text)

Q10. Which of the following do you need the most help with at this time? (unlimited multiple choice)


Food and supplies Childcare Other caring responsibilities Financial assistance Medical care Spiritual support Emotional support None of these

Q11. Which of the following services are you most prepared to offer others at this time? (unlimited multiple choice)


Food and supplies Childcare Other caring responsibilities Financial assistance Medical care Spiritual support Emotional support None of these

Q12. To what extent would prayer and emotional support provided by your church be helpful? (single choice)


Not at all helpful Slightly helpful Somewhat helpful Moderately helpful Extremely helpful

Q13. To what extent would connection and community provided by your church be helpful? (single choice)


Not at all helpful Slightly helpful Somewhat helpful Moderately helpful Extremely helpful

Q14. To what extent would you find it helpful for your church to provide you with opportunities to serve and help others? (single choice)


Not at all helpful Slightly helpful Somewhat helpful Moderately helpful Extremely helpful

Q15. To what extent would you find it helpful for your church to provide you with practical ideas for connecting with God? (single choice)


Not at all helpful Slightly helpful Somewhat helpful Moderately helpful Extremely helpful

Q16. What is the main question you have for your church right now? (Text)

Q17. To what extent would you find it helpful for your church to provide you with practical ideas for childcare? (single choice)


Not at all helpful Slightly helpful Somewhat helpful Moderately helpful Extremely helpful

Q18. To what extent would you find it helpful for your church to provide you with practical ideas for physical activity? (single choice)


Not at all helpful Slightly helpful Somewhat helpful Moderately helpful Extremely helpful

Q19. Is there anything else you would like to add? (Text)

Q20. What is your address? (Text)

Q21. Your name (this will be attached to a person's response when the survey is completed anonymously)
