Children & Families CORE-YP Survey

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Children & Families CORE-YP Survey

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The Children and Families CORE-YP survey is a survey intended for use by young people aged between 11 and 16. The survey asks 10 questions abo... More

Q1. Assistance given? (if yes, please tick)


Yes No

These questions are about how you have been feeling OVER THE LAST WEEK. Please read each question carefully. Think how often you have felt like that in the last week and then choose the answer you think fits best.

Over the last week...

Q2. I’ve felt edgy or nervous (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Q3. I haven’t felt like talking to anyone (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Q4. I’ve felt able to cope when things go wrong (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Q5. I’ve thought of hurting myself (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Q6. There’s been someone I felt able to ask for help (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Q7. My thoughts and feelings distressed me (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Q8. My problems have felt too much for me (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
0 1 2 3 4

Q9. It’s been hard to go to sleep or stay asleep (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Q10. I’ve felt unhappy (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Q11. I’ve done all the things I wanted to (single choice)


Not at all Only Occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
4 3 2 1 0

Thank you for answering these questions
