Social Media Addiction

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Social Media Addiction

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Q1. Your name (this will be attached to a person's response when the survey is completed anonymously)

Q2. Do you use social networking sites? (single choice)

Yes No

Q3. If Yes than answer the following questions, which social networking site/sites do you use? (Text)

Q4. Are these social networking sites provides enough opportunities to students to promote themselves and their activities? (single choice)

Yes No

Q5. What is the time you spend on social networking sites per day? (single choice)

<2 hrs 2-4 hrs 4-8 hrs >8 hrs

Q6. What all job portals do you use? (Text)

Q7. What are the add on features you expect from new social networking site? (Text)

Q8. What is the frequency of visiting the social networking sites? (single choice)

Everyday Sometimes Once a week Once a month